Monday, January 19, 2009

Opening of the blog

I hit upon a stroke of genius today. Okay, maybe it's not so original, but it finally hit me. While struggling to figure out if I liked this 'new' (new to me, as I finally decided to test the waters) idea of blogging, I realized that the blogging format fits perfectly with a project that I've wanted to do for a few years. That is: watch all 100 of the American Film Institutes's Greatest American Movies, and record my thoughts on them. I had begun this project in 2002, when I was living in Texas. At the time my roommate and I thought it a stellar idea, while our friends thought we were nuts (though they did grill us each Monday about our weekend's viewings). The project was put on hiatus while we deployed to Iraq during OIF I, and it never got back on track (I left Texas and subsequently got married and moved to Korea). Thankfully, I have a wife who's just as crazy as I am and was totally willing to dive into this with me. So, sometime in 2006, we resurrected the project and began watching movies again. Not as regularly as I had in Texas, but at least we were making progress.

This brings us to present day and me testing out blogging. My past passion and desire to watch the movies, then discuss them with friends finds a perfect outlet in blog form. I hope you enjoy reading my thoughts on the films from the AFI 100 Greatest Movies* list.

(*For the purposes of this project I'm sticking with the original list published in 1996, since that's what I began the project on. Once that's done I'll think about the 2006 updated list.)

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